Notice Concerning Site Closure

Notice Concerning Site Closure

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support.

Due to various reasons, we will be closing the CLIMBPOT site on April 30, 2024 (UTC).

●About Deposit
Deposits will be suspended as of April 1, 2024 (UTC).

●About Game Play
Game Play will be suspended as of April 25, 2024 (UTC).

●About Withdrawals
Withdrawal requests will be accepted until April 25, 2024 (UTC) and will be processed by April 30, 2024 (UTC).

We would like to express our deepest gratitude for your patronage.


How to write a script

  • Unit of currency

  • Method

  • Properties

Unit of currency

The ClimbPot script uses [ block ] for currency.

1 block = 0.000001 Bitcoin
・block → Bitcoin :

block / 1e6

・Bitcoin → block :

bitcoins * 1e8 / 1e6

1 block = 100 Satoshi
・block → Satoshi :

block * 100

・Satoshi → block :

satoshis / 100

1 Satoshi = 0.00000001 Bitcoin
・Satoshi → Bitcoin :

satoshis / 1e8

・Bitcoin → Satoshi :

bitcoins * 1e8



Each property name must be enclosed in double quotes.
"block": 100,
"x": 1.50,
"array": [100,200,300],
"bet_condition": "results.0 > 1.10",
"stop_condition": "balance < 100000",
"win_function": "block = block * 2",
"lose_function": "block = block * 2"
The values specified for each property may or may not require double quotes.
・block, x, array do not need to enclose their values in double quotes.
・Except for block, x, array, all others must be enclosed in double quotes.
"block": 100, Double quotes are not required
"x": 1.50, Double quotes are not required
"array": [100,200,300], Double quotes are not required
"bet_condition": "results.0 > 1.10", Double quotes are required
"stop_condition": "balance < 100000", Double quotes are required
"win_function": "block = block * 2", Double quotes are required
"lose_function": "block = block * 2" Double quotes are required
A comma must be entered at the end of every line except the last line.
"block": 100, Comma are required
"x": 1.50, Comma are required
"array": [100,200,300], Comma are required
"bet_condition": "results.0 > 1.10", Comma are required
"stop_condition": "balance < 100000", Comma are required
"win_function": "block = block * 2", Comma are required
"lose_function": "block = block * 2" Comma are not required in the last line
A space must be entered before and after the Four arithmetic operators, Comparison operators, Assignment operators, Logical operators.
Correct:value1 * value2

Correct:value1 < value2

Correct:value1 = value2

Incorrect:value1 < value2&&value3 < value4
Correct:value1 < value2 && value3 < value4

Incorrect:if(array.0 == array.1)array.0 = block;
Correct:if (array.0 == array.1) array.0 = block;

Conditions under which the script will automatically stop.

  • When the stop_condition is met
  • When the script encounters an error
  • When the other than valid values is entered for block, x
  • When the balance is insufficient
  • When the block is above the upper limit
  • When the block is below the lower limit
  • When the x is above the upper limit
  • When the x is below the lower limit
  • When the browser is closed
  • When the browser is reloaded
  • When a game page move to another page


  • A line with a non-existent property name will result in an error
  • A line with an existing property name will result in an error if the value is not valid
  • Lines with duplicate property names will result in an error


Description of Property settings

Properties Value Description Notes
block 10~100000 Bet amount Required
Only integers
x 1.01~99999.00 Multiplier to stop Required
Values greater than or equal to 1.01, Values with two decimal places
array [1,2,3]

Multiple arbitrary integers or decimals can be specified for use in conditional judgments, etc

Multiple values can be specified within square brackets separated by commas

array2~9 [1,2,3]

Multiple arbitrary integers or decimals can be specified for use in conditional judgments, etc

Multiple values can be specified within square brackets separated by commas

stop_condition *See the section on Comparative Assignment Expressions. Conditional expression to stop the script

Judged at the start of the game, the script will stop if the condition is met

Can be specified multiple times separated by &&

If multiple conditions are specified, stop when all conditions are met

bet_condition *See the section on Comparative Assignment Expressions. Conditional expression to bet

Judged at the start of the game, and bets are placed when conditions are met

Can be specified multiple times separated by &&

If multiple conditions are specified, the bet is placed when all conditions are met

win_function *See the section on Assignment Expression and Array Operation Process after win

Multiple processes can be processed separated by semicolons

By adding a conditional expression (if) , you can describe a process to be executed only when the condition is met

At the end of the process, the block will be rounded to the first decimal place (1.11 → 1)

At the end of the process, the x will be rounded to the third decimal place (1.115 → 1.12)

lose_function *See the section on Assignment Expression and Array Operation Process after lose

Multiple processes can be processed separated by semicolons

By adding a conditional expression (if) , you can describe a process to be executed only when the condition is met

At the end of the process, the block will be rounded to the first decimal place (1.11 → 1)

At the end of the process, the x will be rounded to the third decimal place (1.115 → 1.12)

Processing flow

1.block,x,array ( First time only )
3.bet_condition …If bet_condition is not met, skip 4 and 5 and start from 2 in the next game.
5.win_function or lose_function

Comparison Conditional Expression

Available for in the if parentheses of stop_condition, bet_condition, win_function, and lose_function

Expression Description
val1 < val2 val1 is less than val2
val1 > val2 val1 is greater than val2
val1 <= val2 val1 is less than or equal to val2
val1 >= val2 val1 is greater than or equal to val2
val1 == val2 val1 is equal to val2
val1 != val2 val1 is unequal to val2
val1 < val2 && val3 < val4 val1 is less than val2 and val3 is less than val4
Available Comparison Operators
Operator Description
< Less than
> Greater than
<= Less than or Equal to
>= Greater than or Equal to
== Equal to
!= Unequal to
Available Logical Operators
Operator Description
&& Logical operator

*Other logical operators are not available

Assignment Expression

Available for win_function, lose_function

Expression Description
variable = val1 + val2 Set the variable to the number obtained by adding val1 and val2
variable = val1 - val2 Set the variable to the number of val1 minus val2
variable = val1 * val2 Set the variable to the number multiplied by val1 and val2
variable = val1 / val2 Set the variable to the number of values obtained by dividing val1 by val2
variable = val1 Set the variable to val1
array1 = array2 Copy array 2 to array 1
Available Four Arithmetic Operators
Operator Description
+ addition
- subtraction
* multiplication
/ division

*Compound operators such as addition assignment operator, increment operator are not available.

Array Operation

Available for win_function, lose_function

Functions Description
array.shift Delete the first value in the array
If the array is [1,2,3], array.shift will change it to [2,3]
array.pop Delete the last value in the array
If the array is [1,2,3], array.pop will change it to [1,2]
array.unshift(val) Add a value to the top of the array
If the array is [1,2,3], array.unshift(5) will change it to [5,1,2,3]
array.push(val) Add a value to the end of the array
If the array is [1,2,3], array.push(5) will change it to [1,2,3,5]

Conditional Assignment Expression and Array Operations

Available for win_function, lose_function

Expression Description
if (val1 < val2) variable = val1 + val2 If val1 is less than val2, set the variable to the number of sum of val1 and val2
if (val1 < val2) array.shift If val1 is smaller than val2, delete the first value in the array
if (val1 < val2 && val3 < val4) variable = val1 + val2 If val1 is less than val2 and val3 is less than val4, set the variable to the number of sum of val1 and val2
if (val1 < val2) variable = val1 + val2; if (val3 < val4) variable = val3 + val4

If val1 is less than val2, set the variable to the number of sum of val1 and val2

If val3 is less than val4, set the variable to the number of sum of val3 and val4

array.shift; if (val1 < val2) variable = val2; variable = val3

Delete the first value in the array

If val1 is less than val2, set the variable to val2

Set the variable to val3

Available Values for Comparison Conditional Expression, Assignment Expressions, array_unshift, array_push

Value Description
Integer 0~9999999
Minority 0.00~9999999.00

Available Variables and Functions for Comparison Conditional Expression, Assignment Expressions, array_unshift, array_push

Variables Description Example
block Bet amount
x Multiplier to stop
balance Balance
array.num Array value
num = 0 to array values minus 1

If the array is [1,2,3], array.0 will reference to 1

If the array is [1,2,3], array.1 will reference to 2

If the array is [1,2,3], array.2 will reference to 3

The last value can also be referenced in array.last

max(array) Maximum array value If the array is [0,10,5], 10 will be referenced
min(array) Minimum array value If the array is [10,0,5], 0 will be referenced
array.length Number of elements in an array If the array is [10,0,5], 3 will be referenced
array.last Last value of element in an array If the array is [10,0,5], 5 will be referenced
results.num Multiplier for past games
num = 0 to 99

results.0 → Multiplier for latest games

results.1 → Multiplier before the latest one

max(results) Maximum multiplier for the last 100 games
max( Maximum multiplier for a specified range ( of past games
from = greater than or equal to 0 to = greater than from and less than 99

max(results.0..2) → Maximum multiplier for the latest 3 games

max(results.1..3) → Maximum multiplier for 3 games prior to the latest

min(results) Minimum multiplier for the last 100 games
min( Minimum multiplier for a specified range ( of past games
from = greater than or equal to 0 to = greater than from and less than 99

min(results.0..2) → Minimum multiplier for the latest 3 games

min(results.1..3) → Minimum multiplier for 3 games prior to the latest

Assignable Variables

Value Description Example
block Bet amount
x Multiplier to stop
array.num Array value
num = 0 to array values minus 1
If the array is [1,2,3], array.1 = 0 will change it to [1,0,3]